Yoga is one of the great loves of my life, and I enjoy sharing it with my students and my own children. This spring, grab a yoga mat or beach towel and spend some time stretching as a family. Here are some spring-inspired moves for all of yogis of all ages.
Reach High Like a Tree (tree pose)
Begin standing tall on both feet. Imagine that there are roots growing from your feet into the ground. Shift your weight onto one foot and lift your other foot onto your ankle, calf, or thigh. Reach your arms up into the air to create branches. Once you try one side, try the other foot. One side will probably be easier than the other.
Note: Young children often struggle with balance. Try keeping your toe on the ground to help stabilize.
Curl into a Little Seed (also known as child's pose)
Begin by kneeling on both knees. Sit back so that your thighs are touching your knees and reach your arms forward so that your belly is resting on your knees.
Slither out Like a Garden Snake (cobra pose)
Lay flat on your stomach with your legs stretched out behind you. Rest your head on the ground. Place your hands under your shoulders. Lift your head and chest up and look slightly towards the sky. To make the pose extra fun, make some hissing snakes sounds.
Crouch Down to Pick Flowers (squat pose)
Stand with your legs spread hip-width apart. Turn your toes out slightly. Squat down so that your hips are parallel to the ground. To make the pose extra fun, pretend to plant seeds and pick flowers.
Fly Like a Bird (warrior III variation)
Why not end with a challenge? Stand tall with your feet slightly apart. Shift your weight onto one leg and start slowly lifting the opposite leg while also slowly bending forward. Take your arms out beside you like a bird's wings.
Once you finish, try with the other leg! Have fun with this one! Even experienced yogis struggle with balance sometimes.