
Weems Creek Nursery School's Visit to the SPCA is Adorable

By Nicole Donnelly, MK Annapolis May 29, 2019

Weems Creek Nursery School is one of a kind, that's for sure. And their recent giving project with some of their students really caught my eye and I want to share it with you!

Mary Ostrowski, owner and president of Weems Creek Nursery School, tells us about it. "Each year, students at Weems Creek complete a giving project. As a class, they collect money throughout the year through monthly donations their families contribute. (They are encouraged to bring up to $1 per month.) At the end of the year, the total amount of money is divided equally among the number of children in the class and they get ready for their field trip to continue their giving project. The first part of the field trip is a visit to Pet Co, where each child is allowed to buy a toy for an animal. This year, for example, they each received a baggie with $6.38. They learn a little about money and how to shop within a budget, and then they pay for their item at the cash register on their own, counting out the dollars. Then, off to SPCA, where they are met by the volunteers there, take on a tour of the facility, and then invited to read a book to an animal."

Talk about an amazing way to teach a variety of skills to young children! I'll let the photos from that day do the rest of the talking.