Let's Stay Home.
Capturing the heart of your family in your home.

Magic happens when I come and meet you on your turf. That’s where your life happens. Not in a studio, where the kids squirm impossibly; not in a random park where the kids don’t know how to be themselves. It’s about the rooms where you try your best to get one kid in the bath — and stop the other from going out the back door in her diaper. Where you attempt to serve dinner while a toddler climbs on the table and into the mac & cheese. Where stickers, favorite markers, dolls, Legos, Matchbox cars, and, later, hip-hop, rock and movie posters live. Where the teens have their closed-door DMCs (Deep Meaningful Conversations) after school and the young ones get tucked in at night. Where the walls, countertops, and forts built from your good sofa cushions are a witness to deep love and every day moments that define your family.

Your family’s unique personality is a legacy.

Your family’s unique personality is a legacy.
So is the place you call “home.”
Let’s take pictures.
Macaroni Kid Special!
Book an in-home family session and receive a complimentary 16x20 canvas of your choice!
Macaroni Kid Special!
Book an in-home family session and receive a complimentary 16x20 canvas of your choice!
Yehudis Goldfarb Photography
